Your task is to help cyclists plan their route and get all the needed equipment for the ride. Bike packing is limited by bags volume. But you can expand limits by adding additional bags, not for free of course.

1. View cyclist info.

2. Choose Route.

3. Choose Bags.

4. Choose Items, each item has volume.

5. Increase maximum volume with Bags.

6. All Bags and Items have price.

Pack your customers and send them to the Ride. After that cyclists will write a review based on their experience.

Try to get the best rating in their Review.


Fully developed during Ludum Dare 54 in 48 hours.

Engine: Defold 

Graphics made in Aseprite during GameJam.

Sound effects made in SFXR. 

Music recorded during GameJam

Ludum Dare Entry

Source Code

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